Bombs Away Homemade Online Store

Welcome to the official site for Bombs Away Homemade. Local Delivery (min. purchase required) && Pickup for orders only. Shipping options avaiable within Canada as set prices by Canada Post. All Bath Bombs are homemade, packaged and tested by myself. Please be aware that some bombs may be made to order if previous stock is out and exact colour/sizes of bombs may varie within reason. 1-2 weeks wait time may be required. All bombs come shrink wrapped with ingredients cards. Custom orders available upon request. Any questions please feel free to send me a message on Instagram or by email at ! Check out our Instragram or Facebook page for most recent updates !

Shower Steamers

Remove steamer from shrink wrap and put directly into mesh bag for use. Allow water to active the steamer. Hang from the tub faucet or shower knob and allow the steam to carry the menthol vapor and essential oil aroma. Enjoy.

Essential Oil Bombs

Fragrance Oil Bombs

Bubble Bars

All Bubble Bars come with a mesh bag to assist the bubble bar to make bubbles ! These bars must be hung under a running faucet, similar to bubble bath, in order to create bubbles. These bars/scoops will create lots of fun bubbles, fill your tub and leave you with a beautiful scent, and dye the water a colour ! 💜

Best bath bombs I have ever used!! No bath bomb has made my baths feel so relaxing with silky smooth water leaving my skin feeling fantastic after. I highly recommend them!!

Submitted Anonymously Through Google Forms

About Us


Hello, my name is Mel. I started making bath bombs in January 2021 and am here to share them with you ! As I am still learning how to create the perfect bomb, customer feedback is greatly appreciated. I make bath bombs in my spare time as I have a full time job in the health care industry. Making bath bombs is a hobby of mine and I cant wait for you to enjoy one of my creations. Leave Bombs Away Homemade product feedback, suggestions, or any review here:

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